Traditional Service -The 5 Heavenly Crowns – The Crown of Rejoicing

Feb 9, 2025    JJ Cox

1.   What is your greatest life accomplishment?

·       I can tell you right away what it’s not.  It’s not your failures.

o   No one looks at a failure in their life and thinks, “That’s it. That’s my greatest accomplishment.”

o   And the reason is…that it didn’t bring a positive impact into your life.

o   It may have been the reason that you were spurred on to do something great, but the failure itself was not your greatest accomplishment.

·       Your greatest accomplishment, first and foremost, is going to be something that has brought to you the greatest positive impact in your life.

o   It is going to be something that makes you smile immediately.

o   It is going to be something that you value and is a priority in your life.

o   It is going to be something that if I asked you to come on stage right now and speak to us about it, you would easily fill up the remainder of the time that we have left.