Next Steps

Jul 16, 2023    JJ Cox

Next Steps-Baptism

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, “This is the way, walk in it.”  -Isaiah 30:21

·       1984, as a 6th grade young man I slipped out of the balcony at Columbus Avenue Church in Waco, Texas…walked to the front and told the pastor that I wanted to be saved.

o   I wasn’t fully aware of everything that it meant at that point in time…I just knew I wanted to go to heaven.

o   They prayed with me…and then began to counsel me about baptism…my next step

·       I knew what baptism was…I had seen it done.

·       I had no problem with that being my next step…I just didn’t really understand why.

o   Not sure that I completely cared at that time

o   I just knew I was going to heaven

o   So, a few weeks later I walked down the steps into the water and was baptized.

·       This morning I want us to first understand why baptism is done.

o   Not everyone has grown up in the church; and if you have different churches do it different ways.

o   It’s not done so that churches can brag about how many people they’ve baptized although some churches have made it about that.

o   There is biblical purpose behind it and we need to understand that purpose in order to make it as meaningful as possible.

·       So, if you’re here this morning and you’re thinking this message isn’t for you, I would ask you to hold on until the end because I promise that there is something for everyone.